Landmark Design, along with team firms Y2 Analytics and Lewis, Robertson, and Burningham (LRB) completed an up-to-date and comprehensive Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Master Plan and IFFP/IFA for Springville City, widely known as “Art City”. The plans will help ensure the acquisition, development and maintenance of facilities and programs in Springville keeps pace with demands and needs of this rapidly growing community.
The project involved a broad community outreach and engagement process, including public scoping meetings, project website with an online community input platform called EngagementHQ, focus group interviews, and a statistically valid survey that was conducted by Y2 Analytics. The Plan begins with a background of current and projected demographics, an encapsulation of the extensive public input and a summary of existing related planning documents and their relationship to this planning process. Extensive documentation and analyses of parks, including Level-of-Service (LOS) and spatial distribution/service areas are paired with an examination of the city’s open space and trails systems. The plan also looks at recreation, community arts and events, and concludes with priorities and costs, goals and policies, and an action plan that places plan recommendations on an implementation time-line. LYRB completed the IFFP/IFA for the city, ensuring that new development pays it fair share of costs to provide parks and trails in the city on par with the city’s current level of investment. The master plan and IFFP/IFA were adopted in the spring of 2022.